Possidi is the place to eat! You can eat economically, premium quality sea and meatfood and by the sea! Most local restaurants offer fresh fish caught by the fishermen around and serve locally grown vegetables.
"Posidon" fish-restaurant has the tradition and a good name since 1992. Price and quality relationship is perfect on “Sideras” and “Vasilas”, both on balconies on top of sea-water, while fish-taverna “Stamatis” is famous in Possidi for many years. “Kiparissis” restaurant offers “pizza al forno” and traditional dishes while “Christoforos” is an all time classic coice for both fish and meat.
Speaking about meat, if you don’t mind going a bit far from the seaview, “Kraniotis” before the junction of Posidi and Kalandra is an excellent choise and 3 km away “Hronis” in Fourka village is for the ultimate meat lovers.